Reclaim Your Privacy: Introducing for a Safer Browsing Experience

I'm excited to have launched a new side project:

The project addresses a problem that is both widespread and growing: maintaining personal privacy as you browse the web online.

Most people are unaware that when they click on a link, they are also sharing their personal data with the company that placed the tracking code in the link. This data can be used to target ads and sell your personal information. By removing tracking codes from URLs, you can better protect your personal privacy online.

Companies want to track you and sell your data to third parties and in most cases, they'll never let you know which companies, people, and organizations they've sold it to.

You can prevent companies from collecting and selling your personal information by taking some small proactive steps.

One of the easiest ways to prevent the collection and sale of your personal data is by removing tracking codes from the links you use online.

That's what does for you.

How it works:

Copy the link you want to use or share online.

Go to

Paste your link as is.

The app removes tracking codes embedded in the link.

Copy the cleaned URL and use or share it as you wish.

For best use, bookmark and save RemoveTrackingCodes as a favorite on your browser.

Remove Tracking Codes
Stop companies from tracking you online