How I Lost 6% Body-fat in 6 Weeks by Improving My Hormones

I hate most workout, nutrition, and diet advice.

The advice always seems so particular; based on memorizing some new fact that will make you lose that last five pounds or get the six-pack you’ve always wanted.

Well, the advice always seems to change every week without the people who follow it seeing those promised changes.

Even worse, there’s yet another piece of advice to remember.

What’s missing from all this advice is gaining any leverage over your situation.

Let’s look at getting in shape from a different angle. Instead of looking at getting in shape as kale vs kettlebells, let’s look at it from a birds-eye-view.

Our fundamental goal in getting in shape is changing our body composition. We want to lose body fat and gain or maintain the muscle we already have. We want to make long-lasting changes; not short-lived improvements that cause us to crash right back to where we started or make us worse off than before.

So it makes sense that if we’re designing our exercise and nutrition plan that we should think about what creates the body composition we’re looking for.

Luckily, the research on this subject is clear.

Body composition is the result of hormones more than anything else.

Cutting calories fails to lead to permanent weight loss.

Working out more fails to lead to permanent muscle gains.

Maintaining healthy levels of insulin, cortisol, estrogen, testosterone, and growth hormone are the secret to staying in shape. Without healthy hormone levels any workout and nutrition plan we follow will fail to give us the results we’re looking for.

The good news about hormones:

Optimizing hormones creates better results than maximizing how much you workout or how many salads you eat without the annoying tradeoffs.

You can skip 2-a-day workouts, funneling chia seeds into your kale smoothie, and still get great results.

I used these methods to cut down from 18% to 12% body-fat in 6 weeks without working out harder, longer, or cutting calories.

Improve these five hormones with high-level changes and guarantee to be in better shape

Insulin, Cortisol, Estrogen, Testosterone, and Growth Hormone

Decrease Insulin

Insulin is the primary hormone responsible for fat storage in the body. More insulin, more obesity.

How to decrease insulin:

Decrease Cortisol

Cortisol is the hormone that regulates and reacts to stress. High cortisol engages your immune system and tells your body to store fat so that it can be prepared to fight off infection.

How to lower cortisol:

  • Avoid foods that cause inflammation and allergies — these reactions are signs that foods trigger your immune system and raise cortisol. Certain foods groups contain proteins called lectins that disrupt the lining of the gut and trigger allergies and inflammation. Consider avoiding nightshades, legumes, and grains.
  • Get high-quality sleep  — avoid blue light near bedtime (enable Night Shift on your iPhone, get F.Lux, use light bulbs without blue light in your bedroom and bathroom), stay hydrated (keep water by your bed — morning and night), take weekly baths with epsom salt (magnesium in epsom salt improves sleep quality)
  • Avoid over training — avoid working out where muscle soreness lasts more than 48 hours. DOMS increases cortisol. Measure your readiness to workout by monitoring your HRV score. Don't workout if your HRV is low.
  • Meditate any way you can — perform unthinking and monotonous activities (walking, biking, fishing, meditation, reading, napping, etc)

Decrease Estrogen

Overweight men are found to have higher estrogen levels. Estrogen increases our body’s fat storage and impairs muscle growth.

How to lower estrogen:

Increase Testosterone

Testosterone increases muscle growth and fat loss from exercise and during rest. It’s 3rd on our list because cortisol and estrogen kill free testosterone.

How to increase testosterone:

  • Get adequate intake of the testosterone building blocks — take in full recommended daily doses of Vitamin D3, Zinc, Magnesium, and Vitamin B6.
  • Increase dietary fat — many vitamins are fat-soluble and require fat to be properly absorbed by the body. Eat plenty of wild fish, pastured meats, grass-fed butter, sprouted nuts, and other healthy fats like extra virgin olive oil.

Increase Growth Hormone

Growth hormone increases muscle mass by triggering muscle growth in response to damage during exercise.

How to increase growth hormone:

When you positively impact your hormones, you maximize your body’s ability to lose fat and hold onto muscle without suffering or needing to make drastic changes.